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cnc shield v3 engraving machine / 3D Printer / A4988 Driver expansion

cnc shield v3 engraving machine / 3D Printer / A4988 Driver expansion

Code produit: A49880
Qté en Stock : 2
  • $5.99

Pour toutes questions sur les produits, vous pouvez nous rejoindre au (819) 373-4813 ou par courriel service@jcinfotr.com
  • Livraison Rapide
  • Paiment 100% sécurisé
  • Support par Téléphone ou Courriel
  • Pièces en magasin

Info technique:

The basic needs of the stepper motor control other pins are in the engraving machine, or3DWhen the printer was used, here we do not make Detailed,IOIt corresponds to the above figure.

Expansion board UNO ----------------------

8 ------------------------ EN (stepper motor drive enable, active low)

7----------------------- Z.DIR (Z-axis direction control)

6----------------------- Y.DIR (Y-axis direction control)

5----------------------- X.DIR (X-axis direction control)

4 ---------------------- Z.STEP (Z-axis stepper control)

3 ---------------------- Y.STEP (Y-axis stepper control)

2 ---------------------- X.STEP (X-axis stepper control)

// Here is a simple stepper motor control procedures,

#define EN 8 // stepper motor enable, active low

#define X_DIR 5 // X axis stepper motor direction control

#define Y_DIR 6 // y-axis stepper motor direction control

#define Z_DIR 7 // z-axis stepper motor direction control

#define X_STP 2 // x-axis stepper control

#define Y_STP 3 // y-axis stepper control

#define Z_STP 4 // z-axis stepper control

/ *

// Function: step function: to control the stepper motor direction, the number of steps.

// Parameters: dir direction control, dirPin DIR pin corresponding to the stepper motor, stepperPin step pin corresponding to the stepper motor, stepping a few steps steps

// No return value

* /

void step (boolean dir, byte dirPin, byte stepperPin, int steps)


digitalWrite (dirPin, dir);

delay (50);

for (int i = 0; i

digitalWrite (stepperPin, HIGH);

delayMicroseconds (800);

digitalWrite (stepperPin, LOW);

delayMicroseconds (800);



void setup () {// the stepping motor used in the IO pin is set to output

pinMode (X_DIR, OUTPUT); pinMode (X_STP, OUTPUT);

pinMode (Y_DIR, OUTPUT); pinMode (Y_STP, OUTPUT);

pinMode (Z_DIR, OUTPUT); pinMode (Z_STP, OUTPUT);

pinMode (EN, OUTPUT);

digitalWrite (EN, LOW);


void loop () {

step (false, X_DIR, X_STP, 200); // X axis motor reversal lap, 200 steps for the circle

step (false, Y_DIR, Y_STP, 200); // y-axis motor reversal lap, 200 steps for the circle

step (false, Z_DIR, Z_STP, 200); // z-axis motor reversal lap, 200 steps for the circle

delay (1000);

step (true, X_DIR, X_STP, 200); // X-axis motor is transferred lap, 200 steps to circle

step (true, Y_DIR, Y_STP, 200); // y-axis motor is transferred lap, 200 steps to circle

step (true, Z_DIR, Z_STP, 200); // z-axis motor is transferred lap, 200 steps to circle

delay (1000);


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